Before (Traducción por Peter Bush)

Before (Traducción por Peter Bush)

Traducción al inglés de la novela Antes.   

Before,, Deep Vellum, 2016, traductor Peter Bush.

Politics & Prose, staff picks: BEFORE, translation Peter Bush, at Deep Vellum: “Told by an unnamed, extremely sensitive, and very frightened girl, this early novel by one of Mexico’s premier writers rivals Clarice Lispector’s work for sheer hypnotic power. Combining the realism of the coming-of-age plot with the magic of language that finds a swimming pool “pulsating gently like a huge heart,” the novel covers the years leading up to the death of the narrator’s mother. Desperately trying to understand the loss, the girl gives brief, vivid snapshots of family life and school, but can’t fully face the truth that would make “the facts turn into dangerous needles that could sew up my heart.”



"Review"Strange Horizons.

"The loose ends of memories: Before by Carmen Boullosa"Roughghost

"The Scattered Shrapnel of the Unknown: Carmen Boullosa´s Before"Vertigo.

Alexandra Méndez,  "Review of Before", Online.



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